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DNN vs. Drupal: Which Packs a More Powerful Punch?

Two CMS Powerhouses, Which is the Greatest?

Which is the right solution for you?

 Powerful punch boxing glovesDNN Evoq, formerly known as DotNetNuke, and Drupal are two of the most powerful content management systems (CMS) available. They are both open sourced and free to use. Because Drupal and DNN are open sourced, they are constantly being updated and improved upon which means both of them will only get better as time goes on. Both are capable of producing advanced websites and can be completely customized to suit your business’ needs and goals.

 Drupal Drupal


Drupal is a PHP based content management system. It can take quite a bit of time to learn and isn’t very non developer friendly. It is also more difficult to use than DNN. Drupal can be very complex and tough to work with. Drupal is capable of producing websites that are very advanced, and Drupal websites can be customized by using modules. However, Drupal can be harder to modify than DNN. Since Drupal is one of the more powerful content management systems, It can handle large websites with a multitude of pages. Drupal is also stable and secure. It can be very SEO friendly as well. Websites built with Drupal can handle a large number of users simultaneously. Drupal is best suited for web developers and people with advanced coding skills.



DNN is a Microsoft .NET based content management system. DNN is seen as much more user friendly than Drupal and because of that, it is also more popular. It is simple to learn but still packs the same power as Drupal. It is ideal for web developers and non advanced users. Like Drupal, DNN is very secure and can handle a large number of users at once. It can also handle websites that have thousands of pages with no issue. DNN is SEO friendly, which is ideal for any website. In addition to modules, DNN can be customized with skins and containers, which are easy to manipulate and change. Unlike Drupal, DNN enables administration tools to be completely integrated into a website which makes it much easier to change things within that website.DNN can offer the advancement of Drupal while being much more user friendly.

 DNN or Drupal: What Should You Use?


 Clarity is the nation's top DNN partner, and our team is highly skilled in using DNN.

Both DNN and Drupal are excellent content management systems capable of helping build professional looking websites. Each can be used to create advanced custom websites that are capable of a multitude of functions. The majority of Clarity clients are effectively using DNN as their CMS. Clarity is the nation’s top DNN partner, and our team is highly skilled in using DNN. However, our team has also created numerous sites using Drupal. If you are unsure about what CMS would work well for you, our team can help determine which CMS best fits your business’ needs and goals.

 Clarity Can Help


No matter which CMS you choose to use for your business, Clarity can design and develop the right website for your company. Click below to get started!


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