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Product Management Integration for Microsoft Dynamics CRM


product management integration ms dynamicsWhat is the easiest way for your ecommerce business to manage your products, orders and online quote requests? You could do it manually, requiring staff members and a good deal of overhead. Fortunately, there’s an easier way. MS Dynamics CRM allows for product management integration into your website and your CRM system, helping you to automate the product management process. Read on for an overview.

Creating Your Product Management integration Plan

As you consider creating your product management plan, you’ll want to think about the following questions: how will you respond to quote requests in a timely fashion? How will you organize your invoices? How will you track the order? If a customer has a question about their order, will they be able to receive the answer in as prompt a way as possible? Consider the best possible product management flow so you’ll know what to look for in your product management suite.

Product Management and Dynamics CRM

As a Microsoft Certified Partner, Clarity has extensive familiarity with MS Dynamics CRM integration.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM’s product management suite automates the product management workflow from order to shipping and everything in between. For example, if you provide a customer with a quote, you can automate your CRM so that upon completion of the customer’s order, that quote can automatically turn into an invoice, which you can then mark as paid or unpaid, or allow them to pay for it from your web property. All of this can be managed against individual customer accounts (contacts).

Product Management integration with MS Dynamics in Austin, TX

Transparency into customer flow and the ability to snapshot data from any point across the enterprise is critical for an enterprise-level ecommerce business. Integrating your ecommerce website to MS Dynamics CRM enables this. Post-integration, you can scale across multiple locations, business roles, or security roles and rights. As a Microsoft Certified Partner, Clarity has extensive familiarity with MS Dynamics CRM development and product management integration. contact a representative today to learn more.

To learn more about ecommerce product management, please browse the following articles:

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