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Clarity Ventures Improves Cart Accuracy with Angular

Better UX For Customers with Top Inventory Software

Austin, TX — December 6, 2016— Clarity Ventures has announced a solution that reduces customer frustration by giving them a more accurate representation of the inventory they’ve committed to buy. 

This latest iteration of Clarity’s CEF eCommerce framework solves a problem that drives many eCommerce customers to abandon their carts. It’s a far too common occurrence for a customer to put an item into their cart, only for the item to be sold out by the time they get to checkout. This might be because the inventory count is not the real-time count, or that it's only real-time when the customer navigates to the product page and sees the stock count. While that item was in their cart, five other people added it as well without the system updating to signify this. In short: the cart, inventory, and checkout process don't communicate in real-time.  

Most customers think that the fairest outcome is that, if they put it in their cart first, they should be able to buy it. They might leave because they’re angry at the entire situation. At the same time, they aren’t aware that 72 percent of all shoppers end up leaving and abandoning their carts, never to come back to purchase it. This means the retailer could lose out on the same sale twice. 

Clarity has an answer that helps all parties involved. First, we've introduced the benefits of Angular into our front-end UI components. "Real-time communication is a great addition to our technology stack," said Ron Halversen, VP of Sales and Marketing of Clarity. "With Angular, it allows the platform modules to communicate in real-time, updating stock, pricing, account status, product availability, and promotions to all happen quickly and efficiently, and without any user intervention." 

Instead of having to update the cart to see the current status of inventory, Clarity’s new UI has already told the micro and mini carts of the change so it updates in real-time. The same now holds for the out-of-stock issue. If all five buyers placed the item in their cart, and all five end up checking out, it can notify the other buyers that the item in their cart is no longer available. This gives them immediate notice that the item is either unavailable or available for backorder.  

“AngularJS offers a robust capability for real-time DOM manipulation and asynchronous data calls, asynchronous JavaScript, and XML Ajax calls,” said Chris Reddick, President and CEO. “Plus it provides seamless integration between rich user experiences — with no page postbacks — and allows us to isolate specific parts of the user interface to update and adjust the detail. This can be done without having to refresh the entire page.” 

This interaction of the data provides a level of transparency with customers that leads to less customer frustration. For a demonstration of how Angular works and to see it in action, give us a call or schedule a demo today. 


About Clarity  

Clarity Ventures has been serving clients ranging from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies for more than 15 years. Services include integration, eCommerce, web portals, web design and development, and more. Clarity continues to see impressive growth year after year and is on track to become the next "Who's Who" in eCommerce software integration. While remaining lean and mean, Clarity is about to experience another round of growth that will bring on board some of the brightest minds available in the marketplace. 

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