Let's Dive Into the Different Lead Nurturing Strategies

What Is Lead Nurturing?

Gathering leads and nurturing them altogether forms an integral part of marketing. This is when visitors approach you organically and you have every possible effort to keep them interested in your brand and business.

Here is everything more about lead nurturing, what it is, and its strategies.

Lead nurturing is a marketing approach whereby visitors to the website are nurtured by sending them personalized messages to turn them into prospective customers. It is a process of turning visitors into customers by providing them attention at every stage of their buying decision.

This is done with the help of lead nurturing campaigns. These campaigns are undertaken by brands so that they can value their prospective customers better by communicating with them, engaging with them with the help of emails, personalized messages, or anything that is done to make each of them feel special.

Here are some of the strategies of lead nurturing you can adopt to turn your leads into sales.

Understanding Consumer Behavior and Analytics

Lead Nurturing Strategies

Target Segment Content

One type of lead nurturing content won’t fit all of your customers. To make the most of your lead nurturing, it is suggestable to adopt a target content strategy to nurture the different segments of your customers.

Brands can make use of marketing automation platforms to understand the buying behavior of each segment of their prospects. These can also help out in characterizing each type of person based on their interests, behaviors, actions, etc.

Use Multiple Leads Nurturing Techniques

Like no one size content fits all customers, a single type of lead nurturing doesn’t benefit all.

With more competition, it is difficult to get past your competitors with only one type of lead nurturing that everyone else has already adopted. To provide an extra edge, marketers have now switched to much more than just email nurturing techniques.

Now is time for multi-channel nurturing techniques that target and engages with customers from all dimensions. Some of the combination of multi-channel lead nurturing techniques include social media marketing, marketing automation, email marketing, top-notch website content, paid promotion, and much more.

However, with so many techniques involved, all the sales and marketing teams must work in alignment to make the strategies work in alignment as well.

Focus on the Customer's Buying Journey

On average, a customer goes through at least 10 multiple touches before they decide to finally purchase the product. Though the buying behavior of each individual differs, these touches are somewhat seen similar in average customers.

For successful lead nurturing, the brand should be able to identify different factors that make customers move ahead to the final buying decision. Some of these include the price of the product, the quality, etc and that’s what you need to convert the touches into.

You should be well aware that the quality of your ‘content touches’ is such that it benefits the prospects. You need to deliver content to your prospects that is useful for them in their buying journey. Some of this content should include direct mails, messages addressing common concerns, social media posts, blog posts, and every possible content that nurtures the prospective customers.

Follow-Up Leads

There is no point in creating leads and not following them up fast enough. Automated email nurturing could generate a large number of leads but follow-up with a help of natural email and phone calls are as important to finish what you once started.

Following up could convert prospective buying or inbound leads into a sale opportunity. The chances increase exceptionally when the follow up is worthy enough to lead them to the website directly.

With prospects' customer available information like their recent browsing history and even where they work and the type of work they do, it is easy to identify the type of product they are looking for. Following up with a quick response based on the information could be the only step necessary to turn the opportunity into sales.

Personalized Emails are Key

Who doesn’t love to read words Hey, (insert your name) in your mails? Email nurturing is the best way to send personalized emails after all.

Not only calling out by names, but there are other ways to make emails personalized for customers such as trigger emails that are sent if you have left products unattended in your cart when the product is about to go out of stock or that are sent immediately when you sign up for a subscription, etc.

Sending your personalized emails to the right people at the right time is a great way to turn lead nurturing into conversions.

Use the Concept of Lead Scoring

New to lead scoring? Well, it is a technique that ranks prospects according to the value they have to the brand. A customer that is genuinely interested in the brand deserves more attention naturally than wasting time on prospects that don’t want to engage with the brand no matter how hard you try. That’s when lead scoring is important.

This helps in focusing on the right prospects based on their browsing behavior, social media interactions, etc. Such leads are also followed up directly by the sales representatives for better results.

Sales and Marketing Strategy Alignment

Each action should be followed by lead nurturing. Be it the final sales action by the prospect or a marketing action by the marketing team, both should be aligned together well and end up with lead nurturing to ensure customer retention.

Both the sales and marketing teams should work together to be able to touch the right prospect buying journey and send out appropriate triggers when needed.

Thus lead nurturing has become important to increase the speed of your conversions and not giving chances to prospects to back out in between. With prospect’s busy schedules, lead nurturing can become helpful to them as email triggers can act as a reminder to them which they otherwise would have forgotten about. Lead nurturing surely works when followed diligently by the marketers on the right customers.