Because DotNetNuke is a database-driven CMS, it's only sensible to harness its power for exchanging information between visitors and the site owners. This is done with forms and, when these forms are conceived and used correctly, they can add a lot to the site. Here are some common types and their uses.

DotNetNuke is based on an framework. To learn more about how Clarity can help you accomplish your goals with this technology please visit our applications page.

contact Forms

For a business site, these are among the most important DotNetNuke forms available. These allow customers to simply fill out fields and hit the "submit" button to get in touch with the business. DotNetNuke can be set up to send this information to particular people, which ensures that the user always gets in touch with the appropriate individual.

Support Forms

A database is a powerful thing and DotNetNuke forms oftentimes include support forms. These generate a ticket number for a user support request and send the information the user provides to the appropriate tech support personnel. These are great ways to offer automated support on a website and they make excellent enhancements to sites that support technology.

Search Forms

A database is one of the best ways to organize information because it is so inherently searchable. There are many different types of search forms for DotNetNuke. The DotNetNuke forms included with the more advanced versions of the CMS usually allow for more sophisticated searches—fuzzy, partial, wildcard, etc.—than do the search forms included with the community edition of the software. These can be enhanced, however.

Custom Forms

DotNetNuke forms are developed by the community, on a specialty basis by developers and are sometimes included with software packages. One of the reasons that DotNetNuke is so popular is because it can allow such useful interaction between visitors and the site owners.

A good developer can make DotNetNuke forms for most any purpose. The custom form options are really limitless, as this technology is database driven. There are many different ways that these developers create these forms and some sophisticated programming is required, in some cases. They also have to be configured properly where permissions are concerned, so you can be sure that the form won't turn up errors when it is submitted.

DotNetNuke forms are developed by the community, on a specialty basis by developers and are sometimes included with software packages. One of the reasons that DotNetNuke is so popular is because it can allow such useful interaction between visitors and the site owners.

Forms always have to be tested for security. The SQL database and DotNetNuke features allow this to be controlled at a granular level, but you have to ensure that any custom forms you have designed don't offer inappropriate access to secure site resources.

DotNetNuke is a great platform to build your web presence with. Clarity can help you customize any web software that you or your company wishes to utilize.

Please visit our contact Us Page with any questions you might have about DotNetNuke or its features.