DotNetNuke Professional CMS has many features to improve site speed and overall performance. However, there aren’t many that are more important than page and module caching to improve performance and speed.

Amazon estimates that its site speed is directly correlated with revenue. To be exact, each 100ms in faster page loads result in a 1% revenue increase.

Here are just a few benefits from better site performance:

  • Happier users
  • More sales or conversions
  • Better search rankings (which in turn results in more of the above two results)

So how does page and module caching result in better performance and better business results? Both of these methods store the website’s elements in ways that makes it faster to load any given page when requested via a browser.

Page Caching

Page caching allows your site to store any given web page in order to improve performance and speed when pages are loaded. This can be done in one of three places: memory, database, or disk. Once this storage takes place, users can access pages with this saved content which will not need to load fully again.

Module Caching

Module caching is similar to page caching, however the concept only applies to individual modules that make up any given page. The module content is stored in a centralized database in order to improve page load speed without requiring web server processing.

Speak with one of our consultants!

If your company needs assistance with a web project, take advantage of a free consultation with one of our seasoned consultants. If it's not a good fit for us, we'll refer you to a great firm that does work in that arena. So there's no reason to hesitate calling us at 800.928.8160 to ensure that you're on the right track to making your project a success.