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Agile vs. Waterfall eCommerce Development

Pros and cons of Waterfall and Agile development processes

Agile or Waterfall for eCommerce?

Development ProcessesSystem and software development processes, often referred to as the Product Development Lifecycle are the steps and procedures taken to create and develop software or a system to be used by a business. The process is usually structured and includes stages for conception, initiation, analysis, design, construction, testing, and deployment (sometimes maintenance).

There are numerous different models and methodologies that can be used as a guide for development processes. The Waterfall development model is the original model for development processes and has been improved upon over time. One of the more successful variations of the original model is Agile development. Both can be useful models for your eCommerce business’s systems and software development based on its needs.

What is Waterfall?

Waterfall Development

Waterfall or Waterfall development is viewed as the traditional development style. It focuses on planning the project thoroughly and maps out all of the detailed steps and like a waterfall, everything you want done flows over and spills into the project until everything's been coded, then you call it done. During the planning stage, steps and actions are chosen for the entire project and the decisions are concrete. Once the plans have been made, there is no flexibility for changes, although it always does.

Why Choose Waterfall?

Strengths and Weaknesses of Waterfall

Like any method, Waterfall has both its strengths and weaknesses. With a well-planned process and a structured setting, Waterfall can prove to be very useful. However, the Waterfall development process can be time-consuming. The planning stage alone can take a considerable amount of time. Also, if you decide halfway through the project that something needs to be changed, it is difficult to change the plans and your developer would probably be reluctant to do so.

When fixes are made to the project, it could be months before they are implemented. When you are dealing in a business like eCommerce, waiting an extended amount of time for changes to be made could be very costly for you.

How Do You Eat an Elephant? Agile

Agile Development

As mentioned before, the Agile development process is an improvement upon Waterfall. While there are still stages and steps, they are separated into smaller phases, allowing for changes to be made and additions that may need to be added. The Agile model is very flexible and adaptable, allowing changes to be made as your project is developed.

Built to be more Fluid

Strengths and Weaknesses of Agile

Development ProcessesOne of the biggest strengths of Agile development is its flexibility. Being able to adjust to changes makes it ideal for clients who need to see their project evolving and taking shape before they make their final decisions about what they need from it. Fixes can be easily made and are quickly implemented. Agile is usually a cheaper model to follow than waterfall and is overall a faster method. In addition, many projects are cut short by timeline or budget constraints.

Agile development ensures that the most crucial elements of the project are completed and delivered first, meaning that even if time or money runs out, you will have the key deliverables already finished and functioning. However, it is important to be cautious when using Agile and remember to focus on the quality of your software or system, and not just how quickly it can be deployed.

Agile Development Invested

Clarity Can Help

At Clarity, we are focused on creating and implementing superior eCommerce systems and software for our clients. Our team of custom eCommerce development experts uses aspects of proven development methods, with a focus on Agile development. We get to know what our clients need and adjust the custom-developed software process to best fit their circumstances.

We are committed to providing superior web development services to all the businesses we serve. To find out more about Clarity web development, call or click to contact us today!


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