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Cross Browser Inspections, Development Unit Testing, Successful Website Development Austin, TX - Clarity Ventures

Yes, Clarity provides a thorough cross browser inspection to ensure compatibility and will make detailed adjustments to ensure consistent presentation of the following browsers – IE 7, IE 8, IE 9, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera, etc.

Clarity leverages a 200+ point checklist that the team utilizes to ensure quality assurance for each and every project. Checking against our x-browser, user interface, content audit, and requirements/user stories checklists ensures we cover each step as we validate the Client site prior to launch.

In addition to the 200+ point checklist, Clarity will also perform unit testing throughout the development which is a key process for backend development validation. Due to the nature of the standard development architecture, unit tests for data access functions and other operations can be quickly implemented insuring that the system is ready to handle different situations and inputs by any given user or process. The unit tests can either be automatically created by the ORM modeling tools or created by developers from Visual Studio 2010's testing framework.

To communicate bugs and issues, Clarity uses a tool called Lighthouse which enables Clarity and the client to collaborate effortlessly on projects. The client is able to submit tickets to the Clarity team in order to track issues and bugs. The tool automatically organizes tasks and assigns team members to allow for an easy-to-use reporting and tracking.

Clarity will follow industry best practices in taking the Client site live. We have included our Go Live Steps and Service Levels (Communication Plans) for a detailed outline of protocols for taking site updates live and communication throughout the process.

Development Site Approval

A. Client to review functionality with Clarity on the development site
B. Upon client providing approval, Clarity pushes updates to staging site

Staging Site Approval

A. Upon receiving approval from the client that functionality on the development site is ready to go live, Clarity will push updates to the live server, but onto a staging site as opposed to the live site for debugging and addressing any other issues.
B. Clarity will request immediate review of the staging site to ensure that both Clarity and the client are completing a full site audit at this stage
C. Note that Clarity will notify the client when this step (moving updates to the staging site) is completed
D. The staging site will provide IP blocking by default
a. The client will need to provide IP’s to whitelist before they will be able to view the staging site
b. Clients will not see the staging site unless their IP is unblocked upon request
E. This will be a stable environment for confirming the updates about to go live
F. Providing a staging site on the live server will dramatically lower the risk of uncovering unexpected bugs upon taking the site updates “live” on the live server

Live Site Confirmation & Support (adjustments once live)

A. Upon receiving approval from the client that all appears to be working as expected on the staging site, Clarity will push updates to the live website
B. Clarity will provide “emergency” level support for any outages or bug requests from the client as stated below in the Service Levels section
C. Clarity will request immediate review of the live site once Clarity pushes updates live to ensure that both Clarity and the client are completing a full site audit at this stage
D. Clarity will provide a written notification that the site updates are live immediately after pushing updates live (we will not push updates live without notifying the client and making our team available on standby for support, etc.)

Clarity will schedule these live pushes such that they occur during planned time slots when we have staff available to assist with any urgent items that need to be addressed.

Clarity will provide development and customer service resources for bug fixes and site adjustments prior to launching site updates and as ongoing maintenance/support for the site. Clarity will provide a clear, documented (see below) escalation path for ensuring a timely response for immediate (“Hot” or “Emergency”) support issues as well as non-critical support issues. Our ongoing goal will be to ensure a reliable maintenance and go-live experience for the client and support team going forward.

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