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Does Code Use Standard Framework Documentation, Documentation Code, .Net Documentation Austin - Clarity Ventures

Yes, Clarity uses a standard framework for documentation. We document in a way that allows us to auto-generate documentation for the project at the click of a button without adding additional costs, and can quickly update the documentation any time changes are made to the code. Clarity uses VSdocman which is an API documenting tool for Visual Studio developers that auto-compiles any properly documented code into a friendly, API navigation tool for easy navigation later.

VSdocman, as a .NET documentation compiler, is directly integrated in Visual Studio (the standard development tool for .NET applications) so it assists with the complete process of creating documentation. This includes intelligent semi-automatic commenting of code elements, creating additional topics (non-API reference), generating and deploying the documentation.

Based on the settings, VSdocman scans a VS project or a solution, and then it generates the final documentation. It automatically reads namespaces, types and their members. Summary, remarks, parameter descriptions and other content are extracted from XML documentation comments (which start with /// or ''') in the code.

Flexible output formats
Flexible Output Formats

This tool enables our team to create professional technical documentation in multiple and localizable formats - HTML, CHM, Microsoft Help Viewer (VS 2010 help), MS Help 2 (VS 2002 - 2008 help), RTF, Help & Manual , XML and others.

Automatic commenting

The VSdocman tool automatically comments our code for standard portions. We don't author the XML comments and common phrases manually. Intelligent comment templates make it significantly easier to write comments.

Class diagrams

This tool allows us to add clickable class diagrams anywhere in your documentation.

Complete authoring solution

The tool also enables for creation of a complete end-user manual with our own topics, such as overview, examples, license agreement, usage descriptions, etc.

Simple deployment

This tool allows for web deployment of the documentation or easy deployment and registering of the documentation on target computers should we desire more integrated documentation tool.

In general the benefits to our process are:
  • All in one solution. We can create complex comments, generate VS documentation and then deploy and register it. Everything directly from Visual Studio (our integrated development tool).
  • Professional documentation of our code can be created in seconds.
  • Consistency. All changes in the code are automatically reflected in newly generated documentation which is always up to date and accurate.
  • Documentation in various formats and languages can be produced with a few mouse clicks.
  • Efficient communication within a team, especially with our version control. Each developer comments his code. Everybody in the team can then see the comments, get an on-line help and use IntelliSense tooltips to easily understand the code.
  • The source code is precisely commented and looks professional.

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