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eCommerce Payment Processing with PayPal

How Companies Use PayPal for ecommerce Processing

Clarity uses PayPal Payment Processing to boost businesses bottom linesMany organizations who decide to work with PayPal begin using it as a simple, low-cost and reliable payment processing provider. Due to PayPal's significant investment into their APIs, documentation and usage of their tools has become a standard well supported ecommerce payment processing solution. In addition to being able to process payments via a donate, purchase, embedded link, or API integration, many clients find that the PayPal ecommerce processing is useful for managing an affiliate payments program as well a "store-within-a-store" ("eBay style") ecommerce platform. Since PayPal is so simple to setup and configure an account, it's a great option for managing payments that need to be sent from the ecommerce sale and deposited into a 3rd party affiliate or re-seller's account.

Clarity's ecommerce platform helps support PayPal payment processing, affiliate, and store-within-a-store models. In addition, the platform is very customizable and offers the ability to extend the core functionality that comes off the shelf to enable automation and process improvement for things like Returns/RMAs, shipping integration, taxes, international payments, multi-currency, etc.

Case Study of PayPal ecommerce integration

Clarity helps Eligo Payment ProcessingOne of Clarity's clients, Eligo, determined they wanted to create a very specific niche ecommerce site that delivers high-end, rare antiques. These antiques are relatively hard to locate in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. The underlying implication of this scenario is that there are multilingual and multi-currency issues right out of the box as it were. This is in addition to the standard store within a store requirements that needed to mimic that of Etsy or eBay, etc.

After reviewing the different options available from past projects as well as the latest tools for ecommerce payment processing we found, we ended up recommending the PayPal API integration to an ecommerce site to ensure the Eligo team had off the shelf functionality that would deliver on their needs from day one. Spinning up multi-currency, multi-lingual and multi-store functionality from scratch on day one can be crippling to a small or start-up operation and it can cause an enterprise or well-funded operation to miss timelines or budget expectations as well if not managed properly and in phases. For these reasons as well as the name-brand recognition of the PayPal brand, the Eligo team has adopted the PayPal ecommerce integration into the business model for their site and has seamlessly integrated in such a way that end users are not required to enter login credentials or even see the PayPal logo at any point. The only users who are aware that PayPal is part of the process are the affiliates or re-sellers who are offering antiques and other goods for sale on the site.

Eligo's Positive Outcome

Clarity helps Eligo tradingDue to the PayPal integration to their web site, the Eligo team doesn't have to process manual payments to vendors or resellers who offer goods for sale on their site. They're able to leverage the off the shelf tools for PayPal that enable payment distribution to other PayPal members in addition to processing and handling the multicurrency and multi-lingual requirements for their site as it scales and grows. In addition the site will likely be able to leverage Clarity's Freight and Shipping integration options and international ecommerce customs and duties APIs as well. Clarity has more information about this and other PayPal Payment API integration to ecommerce website projects available upon request.

Clarity and Payment Processing

As you can see, Clarity has the ability to drastically impact your organization's payment processing. PayPal payment processing is one of just a few ways that Clarity helps teams drive revenue, enhance productivity, and increase innovation. Please reach out to Clarity consultant today, and learn how we can improve your processes.

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