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jQuery for eCommerce Website Development

What jQuery Can Do For ecommerce Website Development

Using jQuery in ecommerce development

What is jQuery?

jQuery and ecommercejQuery is a cross platform Javascript library that was designed to simplify the client-side scripting of HTML. It makes using a web page's DOM (document object model), animation, event handling, and executing Ajax calls to the server very simple, masking the complexity of Javascript. All this leads to great visuals within a web application. jQuery was released back in August 2006. As of today, it is the most popular Javascript library in use.

jQuery Features and Capabilities


The jQuery library is very tiny in size. The 1.5 version is merely 83 kilobytes (KB), which is typically smaller than many pictures online. Another great thing about this is that your web browser only needs to download it once. Afterwards, it is cached and can be used across many other web sites; no re-downloading is necessary. Overall, it is very dense.

Simple and Clean Syntax

The syntax of jQuery makes it easy to select the DOM elements on a web page that you need changed, which enable you to link actions and effects together for efficiency. jQuery is CSS3 (Cascading Style Sheets version 3) compliant, which prevents the necessity to learn a different syntax to use jQuery.


jQuery provides developers the capabilities to make plugins on top of the Javascript library. The framework is optimal for this sort of extension. Official jQuery plugins are available as well as other third-party plugins. This ensures that any needed feature is readily available, enabling developers to create powerful, dynamic web applications.

Cross-Browser Support

jQuery is being constantly tested with all of its supported browsers through unit test. The current version is tested and updated to fix up bugs or add features if necessary.

JSON Parse

jQuery can analyze your JSON string, optionally transforming the value produced by parsing.

jQuery And HTML

Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) is the standard language used to create web pages and frameworks of a webpage. Using HTML alone has its limitations; it is only capable of creating static pages. By using jQuery in conjunction with HTML, jQuery is able to use the data points from the HTML code and reorganize it. The end result is a display of a visually appealing web page and a great user experience for the end user.

jQuery and DNN

jQuery and ecommerceDotNetNuke(DNN) is a web content management system that was created by Microsoft. The system is based on Microsoft .NET. As of DotNetNuke (DNN) 6, jQuery-UI is integrated within the core, which means there is no need to register jQuery. Within DNN, developers can easily deploy jQuery. This can increase code efficiency; what would normally take 10 or more lines in Javascript will take one line of jQuery code.

DNN lets you create the stunning special effects of jQuery easily and quickly. There is a drag and drop interface, allowing you to build a web page and reorder or reposition with ease and no code. With jQuery, it is possible to make multi-level drop down menus with animation. Animation effects, such as sliding in and out and fading in and out, can quickly be added to a web page. These are just a few things that can be accomplished.

Clarity Can Help

If you would like to see how jQeury can be applied to your website, contact us today. We have developers on standby to address your needs.


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