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SAML SSO integration with ERP and CRM applications

SAML SSO integration with eCommerce, ASP.Net, SalesForce, Netsuite, ERP, and CRM applications

Security and convenience in one


What is SAML?

SAML stands for Security Assertion Markup Language, and it was created to leverage the XML meta-language into a secure open standard for data exchange between parties, including authorization and authentication. The keystone of the SAML standard is its enablement of single sign-on for all services on a website.

Why you need SAML for Your eCommerce Website

Security. The word that is on everyone's mind and is leading to customer concerns. In an age where customer data is more vulnerable than ever, security continuously ranks at or near the top of decision factors in online transactions.

Ease of use. Leveraging secure access management allows you to simplify the login and authentication process for both external and internal users. Not many other implementations can improve both customer and employee experiences while increasing security.

SAML SSO (Single Sign-on)

As mentioned previously, single sign-on is a major component of SAML. Single sign-on is the function in which a user can enter their login credentials once, and be granted access to multiple independent systems. Single sign-on not only saves the user time but also reduces potential password fatigue and reduces the chances of a forgotten password to a specific section of your site.


Advantages of SAML for eCommerce

SAML SSO is a safe and convenient solution to one of the most common complaints about multi system platforms.

Security Assertion Markup Language becomes vital when integrating your eCommerce platform with another line of business applications. Not only does SAML make the customer experience more user-friendly by not requiring the customer to log in multiple times between their profile, order history, check-out, and review or comment modules, but it also makes use internally even more fluid. Internal users can move from CRM to product management to ERP seamlessly.

What's Next?

If you're considering SAML, currently using SAML, would like to know more about cXML vs XML, or would like more of an understanding of how to make eCommerce integration more secure using SAML, Clarity can help.

Get a Quote: 800.928.8160 (toll-free)


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