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The Benefits of Mobile Compatibility

Mobile Responsive Design for tablet, smart phone, desktopIn this day and age, more and more individuals are acquiring their news, digesting information, and making decisions from their mobile devices. According to comScore’s “State of the U.S. Online Retail Economy, Q1 2013” report, mobile sales reached $5.9 billion in Q1 2013, accounting for 11% of the overall total. Judging by recent trends, this number is only going up. Ipsos, a global market research leader states, “Over 69 percent of US mobile users access the internet on their phones daily.” It has never been easier for businesses and organizations to get in front of potential clients. However, the user experience while accessing these sites is now more critical to a team’s success than ever before.

We’re now living in a multi-screen world, with tablets emerging as a key “fourth-screen.” And for retailers, tablets are a critical channel that many organizations have failed to take advantage of. An increasingly popular approach to address the rising trend of mobile traffic is to utilize responsive web design methodology. Responsive web design is a web design approach aimed at crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing experience—easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling—across all devices (desktop to tablet).

Clarity mobile responsive design for ProvanceClarity, an industry expert at responsive web design, helps numerous successful organizations evolve by showcasing their offerings on these third and fourth screens. Provance, a Microsoft partner and leader in IT Asset Management, consults with Clarity to simplify their navigation, eliminate pop-up windows, and utilize buttons to integrate with the market’s cutting-edge technology. Designing and developing a dedicated mobile site not only ensures a better mobile user experience, it brings significant added benefits.

Enhanced User Experience

Clarity mobile responsive design enhances user experienceIn most organizations conversion is king. One of the biggest benefits of responsive web design is it equally addresses the smartphone and tablet user experience, while still benefitting desktop users. This enhanced user interface is slick, clean, and works on any screen. Creating the same quality experience on any screen is sure to promote and extend your strongest offerings, no matter where your clients are.

SEO Benefits

Clarity mobile responsive works with SEO best practicesAccording to Google’s help page on “Building Smartphone-Optimized Websites,” a single URL piece of content make it easier to interact, share, and link your content based on Google’s algorithms. Not only is it easier to share your content, it saves Google’s crawlers time, and creates a faster load time. The combination of enhanced load time with more accessibility to share content certainly helps your site rank higher in the search results.

Simplified Analytics

Clarity responsive designs include deep analyticsOne of the biggest added benefits is the simplified analytics. There is a single set of analytics to evaluate and examine for an individual responsive website URL. These analytics make it simpler to view conversion paths and determine funnels where marketers can make adjustments.

Learn How Clarity Can Help

Clarity can help you with a custom mobile responsive designClarity helps Provance, and a plethora of other clients, create sustainable, successful user experiences on mobile, tablet, and desktop devices. Please fill out our request form and learn how we can make a lasting positive impact to your business. Thank you.

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