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Ten Common Traits of Successful eCommerce Businesses


successful ecommerce prior to saleEvery ecommerce business is unique, and there are no direct pathways to becoming a successful ecommerce business. That said, there are certain traits that almost all successful ecommerce businesses share. We’ll provide two posts detailing the top ten traits of almost every booming ecommerce business. Below are the first five traits, which all impact the prospective customer prior to purchase:

Content Optimization

Successful ecommerce websites don’t just sell a great product; they know how to make their customers find that product. In the world of online marketing, this means optimizing content so that search engines—and therefore customers—can find your website. Think of it this way: let’s say your store is a bakery that sells the best pie in the country. Now let’s say you hide that store in a cave in the middle of nowhere. That’s what it’s like when you don’t optimize your content.

A Clear Vision and Focused Product Offerings

Do you sell widgets, and nothing but widgets? That’s fine, as long as you sell them well! Successful ecommerce businesses are hyper-focused in their product offerings.

Do you sell widgets, and nothing but widgets? That’s fine, as long as you sell them well! Successful ecommerce businesses are hyper-focused in their product offerings. This isn’t to say you can’t expand and start offering new products; you absolutely should. But if you’re an ecommerce vendor who sells shoes and you want to start selling jackets too, make sure you have a clear reason for doing so. Every product you sell should stay consistent with your business’s vision and brand.

High-Quality Photos

The most obvious point we can make about selling products online is that your customers won’t be able to see, feel, and try on the products in person. This means high-resolution, beautiful photos are paramount. If you’re selling dresses or any item with a particularly high level of detail, add several photos of each product from multiple angles. Allowing for a zoom option is also a great idea. Remember, your customer wants to trust in your product as much as possible before purchasing.

Every Product Description Provides Value to the Customer

Most successful ecommerce websites are able to write stellar product descriptions. This doesn’t just mean describing the product well; it means telling the customer what the product can do for them, what a great deal it is, and why they can’t live without it. Whenever possible, add additional savings into your product description.

Sorting Options

Different customers value different qualities in an item. Some value price; some name brand; some color; and some style. Don’t force your customers to sift through page upon page of product choices just to find what they’re looking for. Allow them the option of sorting the product list according to their preferred category of choice.

Hoping to learn more about how successful ecommerce businesses treat their customers during and after the sale? Check out our next blog post!


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