Salesforce CRM is a powerful tool for managing your business's sales contacts and client list. Salesforce is effective for many companies because of the robust functionality and automation of some business processes, which are proven to accelerate sales force automation and improve revenue. However, Salesforce is only as powerful as you make it. This means that even with all of the available functionality, if the tools aren't employed in the right way then your business may be missing out on untapped opportunities. Salesforce and Website integration When a business integrates its website with the Salesforce CRM, it maximizes the effectiveness of both tools. Since both platforms are so closely tied into a company's marketing and sales efforts, it only makes sense to ensure that these tools are working closely together. Salesforce and ecommerce integration If a company's Salesforce CRM and website are important to integrate for more a more effective sales and marketing department, then Salesforce and ecommerce websites are even more important to integrate. Since ecommerce company's depend on their websites for revenue unlike any other type of company, it's essential to make sure Salesforce is documenting all information that the website is capturing. This Salesforce ecommerce solution can then become the tool that provides the business intelligence data, improve customer satisfaction, increase customer loyalty, improve sales insight and so much more. Salesforce and Website Form integration Since ecommerce company's depend on their websites for revenue unlike any other type of company, it's essential to make sure Salesforce is documenting all information that the website is capturing Since website forms are still one of the best ways to capture user information from a company website, it's important to ensure that Salesforce is porting that information into the company database for the sales and marketing team. The more a company knows about its customers, the more successful it usually is. Clarity Ventures, an experienced Salesforce Web and ecommerce Integrator, delivers powerful processes from 200+ successful custom development project implementations. If you're interested in collaborating on a project with Clarity, please fill out the form below or contact our consultants at 800.928.8160. To learn more, please visit our Salesforce ecommerce integration Resource Center.