How are Companies Leveraging Salesforce CRM ecommerce integrations? A multitude of Clarity’s clients have an existing Salesforce CRM. The typical thought process for integrating CRM to ecommerce is around automating processes. Whether you want to improve timelines or time sensitive events, integrations help move businesses forward. With Clarity ecommerce platform integrated to Salesforce CRM, clients are able to achieve significant overhead reduction, improve turnaround timelines, and increase the quality level of service, thus improving their sales force automation and effectiveness. Models for Integrating Salesforce into ecommerce Sites As companies establish growth in their industries, it becomes vital they scale their operational capabilities. Salesforce CRM ecommerce integrations help enable countless experiences for customers and for internal measurement of the experiences for review and optimization. To leverage the integration capabilities of Salesforce CRM and ecommerce, Clarity recommends that client teams conduct a needs analysis. Determining role based or customer types as well as internal role review helps identify desired processes that need to be initiated. Ultimately, the ideal outcome from a needs analysis process will develop one of the following scenarios: Marketing generation of interest in the company. Need to identify different inbound and outbound lead sources and ability to track these and their associated performance. Leads need to dynamically funnel into the CRM for tracking and review and assignment to specialized sales team members and automated marketing drip campaigns. Sales team members, sales managers and marketing managers need to be able to see notification and "filtering/sorting" of leads based on potential for interest and close. These will need to be enriched with activity data from potential customer visits to the site, abandoned carts, items they've looked at many times but haven't purchased, etc. Upon a customer purchasing an item or items the ideal workflow process will move the order into fulfillment and services. This means that any order tracking data indicating an issue with a shipment or return request, etc. from a customer will feed into the services section dynamically within Salesforce from the ecommerce site request(s). External shipping and warehouse ordering information will need to pull into the Salesforce CRM for status notification and order details will need to be available for customers to lookup and review past purchases and possibly "clone" or copy a previous order on demand. Clarity and the Cloud Salesforce & Clarity can work hand in hand to provide you the best optimization for your organization. Whether you are determining permissions, user roles, or efficient models, Clarity’s expertise in integrating Salesforce CRM with ecommerce can help bolster your business. To learn more, please visit our Salesforce ecommerce integration Resource Center.