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Integrating with Amazon S3 for Image and Media Storage

integration amazon s3 for image and media storage

Amazon S3 is a storage infrastructure that is hosted on the cloud, so that you won’t have to configure and maintain extra servers to store your data. This is particularly useful for companies that use a lot of images and other rich media in their campaigns. Read on for an overview.

Why Use Amazon S3 for Image and Media Storage?

When many ecommerce website development plans are just starting out, they opt for modestly-priced web hosting providers that can host the website successfully given the nascent business’s amount of traffic. As traffic increases, however, many typical web host services cannot accommodate the load. This doesn’t mean the ecommerce business must start over with a different hosting provider; rather, they can opt to integrate their existing website with Amazon S3. This hosting system allows any ecommerce business to achieve the same scalable data storage that Amazon itself uses for its popular website.

Amazon S3 Static Website Hosting

A traffic increase doesn’t mean the ecommerce business must start over with a different hosting provider; rather, they can opt to integrate their existing website with Amazon S3.

Amazon S3 also provides the option of hosting static websites with Index document support. This means that when someone visits a particular domain, instead of finding an XML-formatted list of objects (as they would have in the past), they can now hit a general landing page for casual visitors. Websites that are hosting on Amazon S3 can choose a static page to display, even in the event of a partially invalid URL.

Amazon S3 integration Company

If you operate a lot of media files and you notice that your site performance is suffering, consider moving to Amazon S3 immediately. Clarity can consult with you, help you organize your files, and decide whether S3 is right for your ecommerce business. contact a representative today to learn more.

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