Customer specific eCommerce website pricing is a solid way to give your sales team the boost they need to close deals. Custom solutions like Clarity eCommerce have this capability out of the box and has been proven for 15 years to help increase conversions. Everyone wants to think they're getting a deal. Treat them special, give them a deal and they'll keep coming back over and over. You can even let them know they're getting the best deal possible with an auto-generated sale price badge.
Pricing levels allow your representatives to sweeten deals with unique terms, specialized discounts, enticing credit limits and more. When your enterprise eCommerce website can offer a plethora of unique payment scenarios to prospects, it's easy to find a win-win middle ground that builds working relationships.
Clarity eCommerce has a custom pricing engine built in providing all the capabilities out of the box, but for most of our mid to larger clients with ERP systems, they've already got very complex pricing tables set up in tiers. That's where our integration platform comes in and populates the eCommerce platform directly from your ERP.