Mobile Application Ready eCommerce

RESTful APIs for Business on Mobile Devices and Apps

mobile e-commerce application platform development

Mobile Internet Stats

55% of total internet traffic

84% comes from apps

30% of eCommerce traffic

25% of eCommerce Sales by 2017

The mobile internet is growing at an astounding rate. It's been more than a decade since mobile overtook desktop in number of searches, marking the first time portable devices were used more often than desktops to access the internet.

What's more, smartphone and tablet users overwhelmingly prefer to use applications (or apps), with 84% of mobile traffic coming from apps rather than traditional mobile browsers. Mobile eCommerce is also growing at an incredible click, making up 30% of all online eCommerce purchases in 2013.

For eCommerce websites, these trends cannot be ignored. This is why Clarity's eCommerce Platform uses RESTful APIs to prepare for full compatibility with future application development as well as to integrate with existing portable device apps.

If you want to take advantage of customer preferences for mobile apps, maybe it's time to investigate how you can create your own B2B mobile apps. Get in touch to find out how it's done.



Clarity's Unique Framework Saves Development Time and Money


A typical eCommerce platform demands that many services must work together in order to produce a required result. The framework needed to accomplish this task is known as service oriented architecture.

In order for your mobile eCommerce applications to access and retrieve data streams, your developer must access the endpoint within the application framework. With all the variability in calling different streams of data to preform a litany of functions, developing these endpoints can be a laborious and time intensive process.

Clarity's solution is an eCommerce API database written in many different languages on a Service Stack framework. This decreases development time by as much as 80% and allows for easy use, extensibility and scalability. Pre-written API languages include: XML, JSON, JSV, CSV, SOAP 1.1 and 1.2.



Interested in learning more about Clarity's eCommerce Platform? Call today for a no obligation consultation!



Get a Quote: 800.928.8160 (toll-free)

