Payment Hub

Building the Best Consumer Payments Experience

Updated October 14, 2022  |  5 min read

What Is Consumer Payments Experience?

The customer experience during payments, or in other words, the consumer payments experience, is a crucial aspect of providing the best eCommerce customer experience. It helps create a strong customer relationship and opens the door for business growth.

Convenient and versatile payment options provide a better end user experience. Furthermore, company owners must ensure that their website's online transactions are secure, dependable, and trustworthy.

consumer payments experience
payment gateways

Payment Gateways & Customer Experience

The payment gateway plays an essential part in the payment experience. Payment gateways allow for a more seamless payment process, which is essential to customers completing their order. If they experience a block somewhere in that process, they’ll give up on your site and go elsewhere to get the products they need.

That’s why having a user-friendly interface for your payment process is a must. Clarity Payment Hub™ connects payment gateways to any ERP, bringing your customers an easy way to complete the purchasing process. A seamless eCommerce payment experience will determine whether your customers will finish the transaction or abandon their cart.

So, how can you build confidence in your clients that they’re not only using a seamless payment hub but a safe one too?

  • Assure customers by connecting with well-known, established payment gateways.
  • Always use SSL encryption so the connection between your website and the payment gateway is secure.
  • Make it obvious if your business uses redirects of off-site payment methods (where the customer is taken to a third-party payment page like PayPal to finish the transaction).
  • Get all these features and more (including integrated on-site payment methods) with Clarity Payment Hub.
ecommerce customer experience
how to improve consumer payments experience

How to Improve Consumer Payments Experience

If you own an eCommerce store, you need to know how to improve your payment process in order to deliver the best possible customer experience. Here are some ways to accomplish that.

  • Convenience – The customer payments experience is largely built on convenience. This means having recurring payment and renewal options and multiple payment methods available, such as debit and credit cards, internet banking, and check or cash on delivery.
  • Security – Customers want to know that their payment information is safe when they enter it online. That’s why having a PCI DSS compliant digital wallet is a must, as is tokenization of payment details and encryption of user data. You should also link to payment gateways with a thorough verification process.
  • Communication – The third pillar of a successful payments experience is communication and trust. Update your customers about due payments, payment failures, and payment status to assure them and build trust.

Why the Payment Experience Matters

To keep your customers and increase sales, you must provide a great eCommerce customer experience. That includes providing a convenient and seamless payments experience.

A poor end user experience will harm your business’s reputation, resulting in fewer potential customers. And, with an abundance of competition out there, it isn’t easy to keep up with the continued improvement of end user experience in eCommerce—at least, not without the right tools.

That’s where Clarity Payment Hub™ comes in. We developed our customer payment portal to optimize the eCommerce payment experience for your customers.

Learn More About Our Customer Payment Portal

why the payment experience matters
payment gateways for your business

Which Payment Gateway Is Right for Your Business?

Payment gateways can be API integrated or hosted, with API integration allowing customers to complete the payment and acquire their goods more quickly.

Customers using API-integrated payment gateways may finish the transaction without difficulty by themselves. On the other hand, hosted payment gateways send customers to additional secure payment methods that add steps to the process of paying.

Customers are more likely to purchase products from sites that provide them with the best customer experience, which is why online store owners prefer API integrated payment gateways, such as a one-page procedure. However, you must ensure that the checkout process is as simple as possible when using integrated payment methods.

Before you pick your gateways—whether you need a B2C, C2C, or B2B payment gateway—you should consider the location and the types of clients that will be using your online store. Different areas and types of customers may prefer different payment methods. Therefore, it’s recommended that you research your target customers first.


Enhance Your Customer Payment Experience

With Clarity Payment Hub, you can give your customers immediate payment methods, ways to track orders, a secure wallet, and so much more. Click below for a free demo. We also offer a free discovery session, where we help you analyze what solution is best for your business.

payment experience expert


  • What makes the best payment experience?

    The best payment experience is seamless and user-friendly. Customers should be able to go from one step to the next without any hiccups or blocks. Oftentimes, that means having a payment gateway connection and/or a customer payment portal like Clarity Payment Hub.

  • What is Clarity Payment Hub?

    Clarity Payment Hub is a payment processing solution that can integrate with any ERP and payment gateway. You can learn more about it here - Clarity Payment Hub: Everything You Need to Know

  • Why is customer experience so important?

    Customer experience throughout your eCommerce store is essential to converting and keeping your customers, and therefore, is essential to your business’s success. Customers have high standards especially for an online experience. The more technology evolves, the more customers expect fast page speed, easy checkout, and multiple payment options.

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Autumn Spriggle is a Content Writer at Clarity Ventures who stays up to date on the latest trends in eCommerce, software development, and related topics to provide readers with the latest and greatest. She strives to help people like you realize the full potential for their business.