Salesforce eCommerce Integration: Make Your CRM Work Better

Clarity specializes in ecommerce integrations with your CRM & ERP application

Understanding Salesforce Integration

Salesforce integration involves linking the CRM system with other applications, allowing for seamless data flow and communication between platforms. This integration is pivotal for businesses looking to enhance customer experiences, streamline sales processes, and gain valuable insights from their data.

Benefits of Salesforce Integration

Integrating Salesforce with your eCommerce platform opens up a myriad of benefits. It enables a unified view of customer data, facilitates personalized marketing efforts, and streamlines order processing. Moreover, it empowers your sales and support teams with real-time information, leading to improved customer interactions.

Common Integration Scenarios

There are several common scenarios for Salesforce integration. These include integrating with popular eCommerce platforms, connecting with marketing automation tools, and linking with enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. Each scenario serves specific business objectives, enhancing overall operational efficiency.

Choosing the Right eCommerce Platform

Selecting the appropriate eCommerce platform is a crucial step in the integration process. Consider factors such as scalability, customization options, and compatibility with Salesforce.

Factors to Consider

When choosing an eCommerce platform, assess its compatibility with Salesforce APIs, as well as its ability to handle your specific product catalog and transaction volume. Additionally, evaluate the platform's support for third-party integrations and its track record in delivering a seamless shopping experience.

Popular eCommerce Platforms

Several eCommerce platforms have gained popularity for their compatibility and performance when integrated with Salesforce. Platforms like Magento, Shopify, and WooCommerce offer robust features and a thriving developer community, making them favorable choices for integration projects.

The beauty of a Salesforce eCommerce integration is that it can bring all of the customer activity that a sales rep normally isn't aware of into Salesforce as contact activity records. This means that reps could create a custom view of all customers that haven't logged in, within the last 90 days and call it "Accounts at Risk," and within seconds have the ability to know who they need to call today.

Additional activities, such as which products are being viewed but not purchased, which collateral is being read and downloaded, what is each users' login activity and much more. This information is normally difficult to collect, and if occasionally the IT staff has added new tools to the website, those analytics are not cleanly associated with the contact record in Salesforce where the reps need it.

All of that can change with a simple Clarity eCommerce and Salesforce solution. To learn more, visit the Salesforce eCommerce integration Resource Center.

Work with Clarity

For more than 13 years Clarity has been successfully implementing, customizing, and integrating eCommerce websites for businesses that use Salesforce. As your technology partners, we have intimate knowledge of how your business can use eCommerce to be successful online. Get in touch today!

Integration at its Best

Clarity has the experience you need to make the most of Salesforce. We'd love to show you how it works, so click below to get a free demo.

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Clarity Company Overview

Whether your company is looking for a website, ecommerce storefront-marketplace-B2B portal, a complex integration, or marketing site, Clarity has you covered. Located in the beautiful hills of west Austin, Texas, we are perfectly situated to take advantage of the immense talent pool that defines this thriving technical sector. Clarity's talented team of designers and engineers have over 350 combined years of experience designing and developing award-winning web-based solutions. Let us help you with your next award-winning project.