GE Healthcare EMR Integration

Securely protecting & sharing your patient's PHI data with other systems
Updated April 23, 2024

Centricity Integration

Although GE Healthcare’s EMR software is designed to integrate health records into a healthcare provider’s business systems and website in accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), it does not contain a built-in system to do so. Centricity requires a third-party platform in order to carry out this EMR integration, which makes records available to patients, insurance companies and authorized medical staff efficiently and securely.

Although GE Healthcare began phasing out its hospital EMR software, it is currently in use around the country and will continue to be used in clinics and practices focusing on ambulatory care. GE ERM Integration through Clarity Connect offers a bridge through which the providers may take advantage of the incentives provided through the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act of 2099 (HITECH) by offering a patient-accessible website.

HIPAA compliant development by Clarity Ventures
Connect integration platform by Clarity Ventures

Benefits of Clarity Connect™

Integrating a healthcare website with internal business systems through Clarity Connect—such as Athena or Epic integration—provides a host of benefits for healthcare providers, patients and ancillary agencies. When the process is complete, records stored in Centricity can be accessed directly by patients and insurance companies to eliminate the need for lengthy telephone calls and sending hard copies through the mail. It also allows doctors access to records from any computer with an Internet connection or even through mobile applications.

Ultimately, EMR integration streamlines the entire business and makes all of the following possible:

  • Share patient records securely and in accordance with ISO standards, including Health Level Seven (HL7)
  • Streamline billing processes with auto-filled fields and electronic submissions
  • Use apps such as Skype and instant messaging to manage communications (Zoom is HIPAA compliant for Telemed)
  • Engage patients in healthcare processes, results and treatments
  • EMR integrations for safer and more directs transfers
  • Improve accuracy
  • IoT system integration for wearable and implantable medical devices
  • Save on internal costs

Click here for more information on Clarity's HIPAA-compliant development services, fill out the form at the bottom of the page. We'd be happy to discuss your GE Healthcare integration needs.

The Importance of HIPAA

Adhering to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is critically important for medical providers due to several key reasons. First and foremost, HIPAA safeguards patients' privacy and confidentiality. Medical information is highly sensitive, often containing personal details about individuals' health conditions, treatments, and histories. Without strict adherence to HIPAA, there's a significant risk of this confidential information being accessed, disclosed, or used inappropriately, potentially leading to breaches of trust, embarrassment, or discrimination for patients.

HIPAA compliance also fosters trust and enhances the doctor-patient relationship. Patients are more likely to be candid and forthcoming about their health issues when they trust that their information will be kept secure and confidential. This open communication is crucial for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment planning.

Adherence to HIPAA also helps protect against legal and financial consequences. Violations of HIPAA regulations can result in hefty fines, legal penalties, and damage to a provider's reputation. Non-compliance can also disrupt operations and lead to loss of patient trust and business.

In today's digital age, where medical records are often stored and transmitted electronically, HIPAA compliance with patient monitoring systems like Centricity EMR is essential to protect against cyber threats and data breaches. Implementing HIPAA safeguards such as encryption, access controls and secure communication channels helps mitigate these risks.