The Value of ERP Integration and Online SCM Systems
ERP systems are an enterprise-level solution where the processes of companies, subsidiaries, manufacturers, warehouses, and more can all be accessed in one place. By integrating an ERP system with eCommerce software, B2B companies can combat the challenges of effective eCommerce supply chain management and take advantage of the benefits of online SCM systems.

Integrating ERP and SCM systems enables up-to-date data, allowing you to make the right decisions. For example, some companies need to deal with weather-related situations. Weather can interfere with transportation and the ability of venues to stay open. If the public pool is closed, the company selling pool cleaning supplies can't deliver. Without beforehand knowledge of this event, the supplier would have bought or manufactured products that they can no longer sell, resulting in increased expense and a loss of revenue. Therefore, ERP integration with eCommerce software, with its AI capabilities, is extremely useful for predicting the weather and the resulting supply and demand requirements.
Another situation in which ERP system integration is advantageous is when technology companies, such as chip manufacturers, must retool their manufacturing line each time they upgrade their chip technology. It is more cost-effective to make as many of one chip as possible, but companies must be careful not to make too much of one type of chip, lest it become outdated and won't sell. Therefore, it is crucial to have up-to-date data that can give the correct timeline of when a product will sell and when to upgrade, while accounting for all the ebbs and flows of the economy.
Supply chain inventory management, shipping, and order tracking are also vastly improved by automated processes of eCommerce and ERP integration. Automation ensures that important details won't be missed, and this information can be shared across the supply chain so that everyone has the same knowledge. This improves communication and enhances the flow of effective supply chain management. Consistent information also helps ensure that schedules are kept so that products are delivered to the customer in a timely manner.
Automating processes can reduce your eCommerce business's operating costs and save time. SCM systems and ERP integration benefit you, the entire supply chain, and your customers.