Integrate Healthcare Insurance & HIPAA eCommerce

Increase customer and patient portal security with HIPAA-compliant websites and apps
Insurance Information and Sales Portal Integration

Medical Insurance Integration

HIPAA eCommerce can be merged with user information so their interactions within the HIPAA-compliant website can be enriched. In regard to insurance, it is possible to incorporate insurance-specific options within the medical device or e-pharmacy website.

For example, a user may have a specific insurance or have access to certain Medicare and Medicaid capabilities. As such, they would want to be able to easily see and understand if something is covered by their insurance. Furthermore, they would need to also see the insurance-specific pricing. You want this information to be dynamically shown, allowing them to see things based on their prescription, and then to see insurance coverage and/or financial support. That's where patient portal development comes in.

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Unique Experience and Data For Each User

Dynamically Display User-Specific Information

From a data perspective, this can be rather complicated and detailed. You’re looking to present the end-user specific data and information based on their insurance access. However, there may be a handful of products that apply only to specific things, such as Medicaid. This means there may be a specific algorithm that can provide some form of estimation or messages on the site.

For example, you can modify the workflows to change based on if a patient is attempting to use insurance or, conversely, a credit card. During the checkout process and fulfillment process on your secure HIPAA website, there is a different workflow depending on if the insurance will fully cover the purchase. If not, the rest of the cost will be pushed back to the user, where they can then complete their payment. Once settled, the fulfillment can continue as normal. The end-user may then get an email with a final status or analysis once they have completed payment.

It is also possible to put a credit hold on a credit card. This way the user can attempt to process the payment through insurance, and then whatever is not processed or accepted by the insurance company can then get processed through the credit card. This is called a “pre-authorization.” In other words, the funds are held, but not actually processed.

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The Best Sales Portal Integration

Your customers want security, but you also need to offer them the best UX/UI experience with HIPAA-compliant website design. Clarity can help you on both fronts.

Making the most of your HIPAA-compliant website

Utilizing HIPAA eCommerce Capabilities

Ultimately, it's relatively easy to set up a HIPAA eCommerce site to offer insurance options to the end-user. Through HIPAA eCommerce you can pull this private health information (PHI), tokenize it, and store it on behalf of the user. They can then incorporate it into their purchasing process whenever checking out or processing a recurring payment.

It is possible that a user may wish the change this information, be it insurance or credit card. Such information can expire or become invalid, so you want some sort of messaging system set up. You can alert the user if there are any changes that were made and if their insurance has expired or was rejected. You could also notify the user ahead of time if their insurance is closing in on its expiration date.

Other alerts are also helpful. When someone enters information into the HIPAA-compliant portal or site, it could be incredibly helpful to provide them with a graphic in order to show them where they are in the process. This allows them to understand what the next step is in for them to be able to utilize their insurance information.

It is up to the business how they want to utilize their HIPAA-compliant website design and apps, but it can be a major opportunity to expand the usage for end-users when they process their payments and engage with the site. By tying insurance usage into the site, they can then look into purchasing more expensive items that may be otherwise inaccessible to them.

How Can Clarity Help with HIPAA Websites and Patient Portal Security

Clarity HIPAA Insurance Integration Experts

We strongly recommend you to consider the capabilities of your future HIPAA-compliant eCommerce platform around insurance, Medicare, and Medicaid. We encourage you to have a detailed process and step-by-step engagement with your users, allowing them an easy way to understand interaction when entering this PHI. It’s important to know just how robust you’d like your patient interaction to be when it comes to insurance.

Please feel free to contact us here at Clarity if you have any further questions about EMR integration. We would be happy to provide you with a complimentary review session with you and your team in order to help you best prepare for HIPAA security best practices. To help you even further, we have provided you with a list of more resources below providing further information about HIPAA eCommerce. Thank you, and we look forward to hearing from you.

Get HIPAA-Compliant EHR Protection

Clients, customers, and patients deserve the best security for the electronic medical and electronic health records in your care. Clarity can perform healthcare integration with your sales eCommerce sales portal.

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