Post Interesting, Unique Content
Which marketing method and social media platforms will work for you depend on your business and what your marketplace is offering. You may find that certain niches within the marketplace do better in certain mediums. For example, you might look at doing advertising through Facebook, or running social media campaigns through Instagram or Twitter, depending on where your audience is.
Wherever you decide to post, it's also best to come up with some ideas that are unique to your business, that disrupt the status quo a little in a positive and interesting way, as this gets people interested in following you.
For example, let's say you're selling brake pads for various types of trucks on your marketplace platform. You could make a video where you put the brake pads into different situations and tests and compare ones from different manufacturers. In your video, you could test how much force each one needs before it breaks in half, or how cold it has to be before it becomes brittle and shatters when a weight is dropped on it.
This type of video wouldn’t be to inform viewers about which brake pads to buy, but rather to be fun and interesting, and informative in a different way, to get people engaged in your business. This is just one example, but these types of things can be powerful for those in the industry.
When they see you on social media, they might think, “Oh, wow, that’s really cool! I want to see what the results are.” If you can get people curious, this can be a powerful mechanism to get them interested in your business and go to your B2B auction, marketplace or eCommerce site.
Alternatively, your social media strategy could be a long-term strategy of bringing value to consumers over a long period of time with insights, resources, and eventually a mechanism to deliver on their needs for brake pads, for instance.
With either method, you can take this same philosophy and workflow and apply it to any industry or niche. But fundamentally what you’re looking to do is break up the monotony, or as it's commonly referred to, the "brick wall of marketing," which includes the standard slogan: “Want some brake pads? We’ve got the best brake pads on planet!”
While this method can work with some types of marketing, you’ll get more engagement on social media if you do something interesting and creative.
Another thing you could do is go interview people in the industry. You could talk to them about what brake pads they would choose and why. You could do a video interview, or do a survey where you provide the aggregated, anonymized results. You could start a useful discussion about it.