eCommerce Solutions

eCommerce is much more than just a product catalog. Successful eCommerce or online commerce involves guiding a user through the entire purchasing experience and making it easy for the user to to find what they want, know what options they have, navigate the price, shipping, options, taxes, and other logistics. Clarity’s customers span the globe, which means we have a deep understanding of international shipping, taxes and duties, payment options, and country embargos. We can also take the challenge out of integrating your billing, fulfillment and CRM systems. Under PCI DSS compliance? Do you know that you're online store is required by your Merchant Account to be compliant in order to accept credit card payments? Well, we do, and Clarity eCommerce is both PCI compliant and allows users to store their credit card information in their online wallet without you storing their actual credit card data. This means that even in the event of being hacked, you won't be liable for a bunch of credit card numbers being stolen.

Looking to grow your company? Let Clarity help you build and grow your online business. We are SEO, CRO and marketing specialists, and can help both in auditing where you stand today, as well as helping to put a strategy together to get you where you want to be in the future. Our eCommerce platform provides all the SEO metadata fields to properly optimize and turn your entire product catalog into an SEO goldmine. Catalog landing pages are also out of the box, as well as the ability to automatically create both product and category sitemap XML files, which can then be registered with Google's webmaster tools. Here are just a few of Clarity's eCommerce customers. We tried to show small, medium, large and complex samples. If you don't see a sample that meets your needs, give us a call and we'll be happy to show you one.