Sitefinity Module Developer | Best Practices and How to Select

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What is Sitefinity CMS

The Sitefinity Module Developer allows you to create content. A module is the backend component that allows users to modify, delete, and create certain content types and items. The content items of modules can implement comments, have different fields for data, be multilingual, etc.

The Sitefinity Developer allows you to create reusable content using modules. So others will be able to publish, edit, and view it. These content items can be presented on the pages of your site using Sitefinity plugins or widgets. There is a widget for every content item that can display just that specific item. For instance, you need to use the Events widget to display events on your site. So how are widgets and modules related? Well, when you place content on your site using widgets, your audience can rate it or leave comments. These ratings and comments can be managed using modules like Comments. Essentially, widgets and modules work together to provide end-users with functionality.

Personalization at its best

Create and Customize

You can add custom fields to content items, like images, events, or news. These can be completely different than the ones that characterize the content item. Additionally, you can change and customize the inbuilt Sitefinity modules according to your particular needs and requirements. The inbuilt Sitefinity modules provide a UI for API and customization tasks.

If you require other modules instead of the inbuilt ones, the Sitefinity Module Builder also allows you to create your own modules. For instance, you can create a module for storing and creating press releases and frequently asked questions. When creating custom modules, you can select the fields it can contain. A module that contains multiple content types and has a hierarchy is called a dynamic module. You can create a dynamic module using the Module Builder. Sitefinity Thunder also allows you to create custom modules. After you activate a module, it can be found in the Content tab.

The Module Builder & Dynamic Modules

Module Builder allows you to create additional modules apart from the built-in modules. It also includes dynamic modules that have a hierarchy and contain multiple content items. For instance, if you create a module for HR, it can include the following content items: Education, Professional Experience, and Personal Information. An example of built-in modules that have hierarchy includes the Forums and Blogs module. So the content type Blogs is a parent of another content type that is Blog posts. Similarly, “Forums” is a parent of the content type Threads.

Using a Dynamic Module to Create & Display Items

Once you define and activate the dynamic model you created, you can utilize it to make content in the backend. This content can then be displayed on your website. The content types that belong to your dynamic module can be viewed under Content. You will be able to see the widgets in editing mode.

You can make different structures of content items- they can be organized according to hierarchy and have more than one child content items. The fields you define for various content types are visible when you make a dynamic content type.

Custom Modules with Sitefinity CMS Thunder

You can create your own static modules using Sitefinity Thunder. The modules you create with this are different than what you can build using the Sitefinity Module Builder. These modules allow you to get more grip over what code gets executed. This module might be a better choice for you in certain scenarios. For instance, if you want to process some data using Store Procedures. Moreover, using Sitefinity Thunder makes it easier to upgrade, distribute, and deploy modules.

Sitefinity Module Developer comes with a wide range of built-in modules. For instance, News, Forums, Blogs, eCommerce, Analytics, Email Campaigns, etc. You can locate these modules under the menu items that already exist, such as Email Campaigns and Content, or even on the root-level. Thunder allows you to create custom Sitefinity modules depending on the needs and demands of your business. For instance, you can make and place your HR module on your main menu's root level.

Built-in Media & Content Modules

In Sitefinity, inbuilt content modules include content items that are commonly used on sites, such as blogs, forums, news, etc. Besides content modules, Sitefinity also provides media modules so you can display media content on your sites- such as documents, images, and videos.

The Essential Settings

Configuration Settings For Built-in and Custom Modules

You can manage both in-built and custom modules using the various configuration settings provided by Sitefinity CMS. For instance, you may disable specific services or modules that are not needed on your site if you want to save memory. The fewer services and modules load- the less the startup time.

Sitefinity Module Developer also allows you to configure SEO, such as Meta title tags, Meta description, and generate Meta keywords automatically. The configuration settings also allow you to manage text fields. You can enable trimming spaces to text fields, allow character counting, etc.

The SF:conditional tag is another gem you can use while making custom modules using the Module Builder. Conditional statements allow you to customize widget templates effectively.

One of the best features offered by Sitefinity CMS is its Module Builder. This tool puts Sitefinity ahead of most other CMS services. It is one of the best out of the box CMS products out there.

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