eCommerce Integrations

How to Select the Best Sitefinity Developer

Updated  |  7 min read
Key Takeaways
  • When selecting the best Sitefinity developer, evaluate their experience and expertise with Sitefinity, ensuring they have a proven track record of successful projects.
  • Look for developers who have a deep understanding of the Sitefinity platform, its features, and its customization capabilities.
  • Consider their knowledge of relevant web technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and ASP.NET.
  • Communication skills are crucial. A good developer should be able to understand and translate your requirements effectively.
  • Review their portfolio, client testimonials, and seek recommendations to gauge their professionalism and ability to deliver high-quality work.

Best Practices for Selecting Your Sitefinity Developers

Whether you're launching a small business or have a concept for a groundbreaking product, you need to have the right online presence - specifically, a website. And the best CMS on the market to help you is Progress Sitefinity.

Developers from the site have created a solution that works. It's a simple process with booming reviews. It starts with you making a plan, Sitefinity coding and building it, moving on to your testing, deploying, releasing it, and ends with upgrades and integrations. We can talk about its fantastic content management features for days on end. That isn't really a question anymore. The real enigma is how to choose between the various Sitefinity developer resources.

What is Sitefinity Website Personalization?


Look at your business model. What do you sell? And who do you sell it to? The product and the audience are the two most important aspects of your business. You must know the specifics for each.

Ask yourself questions about it. For example, is your target audience local? Or are they international? Do you use one website or more than one? How many resources do you have?

Know Your Options

Going through the available tools means you will know your options. And Sitefinity CMS partners receive access to a wide range of them. So you have a lot to choose from. You can go over the list of tools given below in the article as a reference point.

When you look at all the available improvements, you may remember noticing a certain discrepancy in step 1 that you can fix.

Make a List

Once you've analyzed your business, make a note of any changes you need. If you have an international audience, you may need multilingual support. But if you don't, this isn't necessary. Furthermore, list down any tool that appealed to you in step 2.


Make changes within your list. If you have seven tools on your list, prioritize them one through seven. What do you need most, and what can you compromise on? Or do you need them all and can't compromise on any? Either way, you need to know where you stand.

Sitefinity Developer Options

Over the last few years, Sitefinity development tools have become a force to be reckoned with. They're easy to use. Meaning, even novice developers can work with them. And the tools give effortless results that help you stand out from your competition. So, if you're looking for high-performance tools, these are exactly what you need.

For businesses looking to optimize, these three bundles are the best fit for you.

  • Textbook Content Governance
    Some of its popular features include multisite and multidomain support, multilingual support, SiteSync for content promotion, Azure AD, custom identity providers, and Workflows.
  • Stellar Performance
    Some of its popular features include Load Balancing, Advanced Caching Tools, Site Warmup, Pre-compilation, and SSL offloading.
  • Maintenance and Admin Tools
    Some of its popular features include Audit trail modules, Health check services, Performance Diagnostics modules, Built-in Search widgets, and Integrated SEO tools.

    If you're looking to boost productivity, the next three options are perfect for you. These are built-in and third-party integration options.
  • Tools and Architecture
    Some of its popular features include RESTful API with JS SDK for web and mobile, NuGet package repository, and Webhooks.
  • Built-In Connectors
    Some of its popular features include Salesforce, Marketo, and Eloqua.
  • Sitefinity Marketplace
    Some of its popular features include Ucommerce for Sitefinity, Hawksearch for Sitefinity, and LiveChat for Sitefinity.

    For developers looking for tools to deploy anywhere, there are options for you too. With these tools, you can scale your business at any time.
  • Enterprise-Ready
    Some of its popular features include Multi-Regional Deployment, Multilingual Support, Multisite Support, and Azure AD B2B.
  • Sitefinity Cloud
    Some of its popular features include it being fully-managed, not needing infrastructure and maintenance overhead, having 99.99% Uptime SLA, and being secure, high-performing, and scalable.
  • Custom Cloud
    Some of its popular features include Microsoft Azure Deployment and Amazon AWS Deployment.


Backend refers to the server, database, and application; it's behind-the-scenes for Sitefinity developers. And there are a number of tools available for their use. These developers have four general tasks:

  • Page Building: layout management, high customization, and widget toolbox
  • CTs and Module Building: Custom CTs, Provider Model, and Sitefinity Module Builder.
  • VSIX: Visual Studio Integration, Kick-start development, and open-sourced in GitHub.
  • Templates Extendable data model, Content Web Services, and Sitefinity NuGet Repository.


Frontend refers to the user interface. And these tools are used to create it. There are four categories of use:

  • MVC: High-performance, Frontend flexibility, and Full control over markup.
  • .NET Core: Separate Presentation, JSON page meta-model, and ViewComponents.
  • UI Framework, Styling & Templating, AngularJS, and CSS, HTML, and JavaScript.
  • Mobile First: Bootstrap 4 Out-of-the-box, Resource Packages, and Responsive Design.


Website architecture is how you structure a website. And any good website is clean and organized. Sitefinity developers have four categories of tools to help you get there.

  • Decoupled Architecture: Decoupled content from the presentation and API driven content management
  • Robust APIs: Data services for layout and content and delivering content to any device and framework
  • CI/CD: Advanced DevOps, Zero downtime, and Reliable code promotion.
  • Connectivity & Extensibility: Built-in connectors, Webhooks, and add-ons and integrations.
Which Tools Are Used for Which Developer

Your Experts in the Sitefinity Development Process

Sitefinity Developers have a lot of options for anyone looking to take their website to the next level. To choose between them, you need to do two things: understand what each option entails and know your business needs.

Once you do both, you will know exactly how to choose and select the best tools and developer options. But if you're still confused, visit our Contact Us page by clicking here or fill out the contact form on this page. We've developed sites that excel, so get in touch today!



Selecting the right Sitefinity developer is important to ensure the successful development, customization, and maintenance of your Sitefinity-based website or application. A skilled and experienced developer will have the expertise to maximize the capabilities of Sitefinity, implement customizations effectively, and address any technical challenges that may arise. Choosing the right developer helps ensure a smooth and efficient development process, a high-quality end product, speed progress, and deliver ongoing support for your Sitefinity project.


Sitefinity widgets are components within the Sitefinity content management system that provide functionality and features to enhance website development and customization. These widgets are pre-built and can be easily dragged and dropped onto web pages, allowing users to add and configure various elements such as forms, image galleries, navigation menus, and more. They enable developers and content editors to create dynamic and interactive websites without extensive coding, providing a user-friendly interface for efficient content management and customization.


Yes, it is likely that you will need ongoing support and maintenance for your Sitefinity project after implementation. Websites and applications built on Sitefinity may require regular updates, bug fixes, security patches, and compatibility enhancements as technology evolves. After creating the site, ongoing support ensures that your Sitefinity project remains secure, optimized, and up-to-date with the latest features and functionalities. It also allows for addressing any issues or technical challenges that may arise, ensuring the smooth functioning of your Sitefinity-based digital presence.

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Sitefinity developers can make custom widgets for Sitefinity DX.
Stephen Beer is a Content Writer at Clarity Ventures and has written about various tech industries for nearly a decade. He is determined to demystify HIPAA, integration, enterpise SEO, and eCommerce with easy-to-read, easy-to-understand articles to help businesses make the best decisions.